Academic Philanthropy Division  
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Arnell Academic Philanthropy Division — Overview

The Arnell Academic Philanthropy Division was informally launched in December 2000 with the original purpose of simply "Making a Difference." At that time, the goal was to pay tribute to what we considered to be the foresight and generosity afforded by Columbia University in making a scholarship available to Lewis G. Burnell back in 1927, who - having lost his father when he was 13 - had little chance of putting himself through college. We now regard that iconic decision as paramount in seeding the chain of events that eventually led to Lewis's being able to put his own sons through college, together with subsequent outcomes that sprouted therefrom.

During 2001, the Lewis G, Memorial Scholarship at Columbia University became the cornerstone of this new Division, paying due tribute to the immigrants who have arrived in the United States from Europe, planting seeds that have sprouted. Lewis’s parents, immigrated to the U.S. from Rumania in 1900, and are so-honored by this Gift - from which nearly ten different scholars from Eastern European families have already been supported at Columbia in honor of this legacy, with countless others yet to come.

The original theme for such gifting has since gained gravitas, and deepened - from not merely making a "Difference" - into "Making a Deep Impact," as represented by the endowment of a unique Bio/Medical/Tech Chair at Cornell Tech, the brand new Billion-dollar academic campus in Manhattan, the new Scholarship in Humanitarian Journalism at Columbia, and the forthcoming Chair in Integrative Medicine at Stanford University.

(Further developments are now in the early planning stages.)

The Lewis G. Burnell Memorial Scholarship

Columbia University
New York City

This special Gift endows at Columbia University a somewhat unique opportunity for scholastic support for up to a full "4-year ride," granted to a qualifying student-applicant in the Engineering School. It specifically applies to applicants who are committed to pursuing a program of current relevance, and either hail from - or are direct descendent of - a family of Eastern European roots, in respect for this gift’s namesake, Lewis G. Burnell, whose parents arrived at Ellis Island in 1900, nine years before his birth, after immigrating from Rumania, where their forebears had lived in a village of humble means dating back to the 15th Century.

The Roger & Joelle Burnell Chair in Integrative Medicine and Technology

Cornell University | Cornell TECH, Roosevelt Island
New York

This rather unusual Gift has endowed a new professorial Faculty Chair that has helped expand the newest, graduate-level university in New York, Cornell TECH (a division of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York) into the field of Integrative Medicine - building and bridging connectivity to the high-technologies of Medicine, Brain Research, Information Sciences, Biotechnology, and PPM - Precision Personal Medicine, which includes relevant sciences in the emerging fields of epigenetics and telemerology.

Be sure to view this Report from Cornell University (PDF)

The Commemorative Scholarship in Humanitarian Journalism

The Columbia University School of Journalism
New York City

This unique Gift endows financial support at Columbia University for an outstanding candidate for the Masters Degree in Journalism, predicated on a demonstrated commitment to produce a dramatic impact in the field of journalism - whether textural, audio, audio-visual, and/or multi-media - that recognizes advances in such human categories as: Precision Personal Medicine, Global Health, and humanitarian commitments and accomplishments that - through advanced media tools - can touch, impact, and inspire listeners and/or viewers into a deeper understanding, appreciation, expression, and internal experience of their own humanity, and does so in a way that both inspires and transports them into a commitment for taking better care of themselves, their families, their communities, and ultimately, Mankind.

The Roger & Joelle Burnell Chair in Integrative Medicine, Technology and Social Responsibility

Stanford University
Palo Alto, California

This Special Gift, now under development, endows a very unique, multi-disciplinary professorial Chair, designed to serve as a collaborative, stepping-stone platform for stewarding leading-edge advances in the human condition, centered on a holistic view and understanding of fundamental organic health, based on Body, Brain, and Being, and yet boldly extending up through nothing less than politics and capitalism itself, to address the condition and challenges of manifesting effective personal, community, and national health, and ultimately transforming our overall experience of both wellness and well-being up to a higher - and more satisfying - natural state.

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